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Fall Prevention

Our program of classes offers you a wide variety of options to learn how to increase relaxation and improve your health in group settings led by a member of our professional team.
  • What are my risks?
  • 30-40% adults fall once a year
  • 30% of these individuals will lose independence-will go to nursing home or will need family member to take care of them
  • This risk increases every decade after 65 years: 30% in women between 65-69 years, 50% at 85 years
  • Women 85 years and older are 8 times more likely to fall as compared to women who are in their 60s and 70s
  • Women are twice as likely to fall as men
  • Caucasian women over 65y are twice as likely to fall that black women of same age

How do I know that I am at risk?

  • You have been tripping often
  • You think you need a cane or a walker but you are too embarrassed to use one
  • You are avoiding going to the mall or grocery store
  • You don’t like to get up to walk
  • You have arthritis, osteoporosis
  • You are on medication to treat blood pressure, depression, or medication for pain relief: some of these medicines can make you DIZZY
  • You cannot look at different aisles in a grocery store because that makes you imbalanced

How do I modify my falling risks?

  • Progressive weight training
  • Repetition of exercise Every day, 30 minutes exercise
  • Visit Physical Therapist
  • End clutter in house
  • No sitting more than one hour
  • TV and exercise: good idea
  • Friends exercise together
  • Add Balance exercises
  • Leg exercises
  • Lose weight
  • Imagine walking, exercising
  • No to smoking

How does my body react to aging?

  • Arthritis makes your joints stiff
  • Muscles become weak
  • Sensation, vision and hearing not as strong
  • Body unable to react quickly to environment
  • Speed of walking decreases
  • Multiple problems set in that make us weaker: Parkinson’s, diabetes, heart and lung problems
  • Hard to hold urine, cannot make it to bathroom on time
  • More active men likely to fall too
  • Dangerous over-activity:
    • Pruning a tree on a ladder
    • Changing a bulb
    • Walking without cane